“Holiday in the Wild” is a 2019 romantic comedy film directed by Ernie Barbarash. The film follows the story of Kate Conrad, played by Kristin Davis, a woman who takes a solo safari trip to Africa after her husband unexpectedly ends their marriage.
The plot is simple and lacking originality
The next second after their son leaves the home to start college, he, the husband and the father, announces that is not anymore in love with her, the wife, and is moving out, ending suddenly their longtime marriage. Looks like he is right in the middle of a mid-life crisis. Only a younger she-replacement and red new sport car are missing.
Amazingly, she does not scream, does not shut the doors, does not throw things, does not break anything of value, does not call all her friends to cry on their shoulders. She only bites her nails. Oh, my God, a saint (who’s going to believe that?!). Oh, right, she does something after all: throw away his expensive clothes. Kate, you rock!
But, anticipating an empty nest syndrome, she had already booked two tickets for a second honeymoon in Africa, specifically Zambia (hadn’t she heard of the internet and Google search to consult a printed Zambia travel guide?). These plans could not be changed at the last minute. Hence, she decides to go alone on a solo safari. Good for her! I wish I had the courage (and money!) to do that myself.”
Not very surprising, she meets in Lusaka a very handsome, rugged pilot who is playing poker with the bartender – very sexy indeed. Who does not like the adventurer cool type? I fell in love with Derek (played by Rob Lowe) way earlier before Kate did. Honestly, I didn’t understand why it took her so long to realize she’s in love with this lovely Adonis.
And then there are the elephants. More elephants. And the desert. And the wildness.
The images in the movie are great, but it’s too bad that Netflix doesn’t allow me to print screen a few of them. Additionally, there is a charity foundation for saving the elephants, which seems like a necessary cause to support. However, it’s refreshing to watch the simple life depicted in that part of the world, and by the end of the movie, I was already longing for something similar. Perhaps it would be nice to go to the end of the world and live a simple rural life, maybe with monkeys instead of elephants, leaving all technology and modern society behind, even if only for a couple of weeks. It’s nice to think about and not a bad idea.
Through Kate’s experiences in Africa, the film showcases the beauty and wildlife of the continent, as well as the cultural traditions and customs of the people who call it home. It explores themes such as self-discovery, personal growth, and the importance of finding meaning and purpose in life.
The film also emphasizes the importance of conservation and the protection of wildlife, as Kate becomes involved in an elephant rescue operation and learns about the threats that many African animals face due to poaching and habitat loss.
The film can have several psychological implications for viewers:
Coping with Change
The movie highlights how people cope with major changes in their lives. Kate’s husband ends their marriage, and she has to adjust to a new life without him. This aspect of the movie can be relatable to viewers who have experienced significant changes in their own lives, and it can inspire them to seek new experiences and adventures as a way of coping with change.
The film Holiday in the Wild also emphasizes the theme of self-discovery. Kate’s trip to Africa allows her to explore new aspects of herself, challenge her beliefs and values, and gain a new perspective on life. This aspect of the movie can encourage viewers to embark on their own personal journeys of self-discovery.
Connection with Nature
The movie highlights the beauty and wonder of nature, as well as the importance of conservation and protecting the environment. Watching the film can inspire viewers to connect with nature, appreciate its beauty, and take steps to protect it.
Overcoming Fear
The movie also portrays Kate’s journey to overcome her fears, such as her fear of being alone and her fear of new experiences. This aspect of the movie can encourage viewers to confront their own fears and overcome them.
A few memorable quotes from the movie “Holiday in the Wild”:
- “I’ve been living my life for someone else for the past 20 years. I want to find out what it’s like to live for me.” – Kate
- “Sometimes when things fall apart, they actually fall into place.” – Derek
- “I don’t want you to feel like you need someone to save you. I want you to know that you can save yourself.” – Max
- “Being alone is not the same as being lonely.” – Max
- “The world is full of hurt and pain, but there’s also a lot of beauty and wonder, and that’s worth fighting for.” – Kate’s father
- “The thing about elephants, they read your soul.” – Derek, the pilot and guide who accompanies Kate on her solo safari
“Good night, New York.” :)))
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