“Murder in Paradise” is a documentary that explores the tragic murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller on Koh Tao island in Thailand in 2014. The documentary provides an in-depth look at the investigation, the trial, and the aftermath of the case, shedding light on the controversy surrounding the handling of the case and the […]
Mr. Morgan’s Last Love – film review
Mr. Morgan, irreproachably interpreted by Michael Caine, a retired widowed philosophy professor from Maine who has been living in Paris for some time, is the protagonist of this exciting film. Mr. Morgan’s last love theme is not new, however the film brings in a new philosophical perspective. Despite the fact that he has been living for […]
Paris can’t wait
As a matter of fact… Paris can wait. That’s the title of an interesting food and travel movie. Anne and Michael are a couple in their 50’s (or even more) on their way to Budapest, when Anne decides suddenly she wants to go straight to Paris to avoid a plane trip that would exacerbate the […]
Today is Valentine’s day
“If you ever are with a girl that’s too good for you, marry her – said Steve Jobs in Valentine’s Day. Well, not the real Steve jobs but the actor who played him in the movie about his life. I saw Ashton Kutcher first time in this movie, and ever since for me, that […]